Digital: Dont melt my brain
[my first original vector] i think. though its not really a vector. whatev.
Chess would not be as much fun, if your opponent could read your mind and perhaps melt it on a whim.
Vector: Jesus Collab
hahaha! between me and dylan, he had the idea, i executed. i dont read the bible, so i wouldnt know, but i believe him! took like a half hour, and im very happy with it. simplicity is sometimes best.ENJOY!
Ive been slacking on my posting duties.I did Willy Wonka about 2 weeks into September. Im not overly happy with it, but whatever:I found this in the archives. Elijah Wood and a quote:Along with this one, except this I know it was done after the first episode of the second season of LOST... whenever the hell that was (note: this isnt a vector, but what do you know... lol! jk!):Paper Hearts (this, surprisingly, i did three days ago): Please just don't play with me, my paper heart will bleed. This wait for destiny won't do, be with me please I beseach you. Simple things, that make you run a-way. Catch you if I can....